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UF ABA Launches Fit Over 40 Detox Challenge

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April 1, 2021


May 10, 2021

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The University of Florida Association of Black Alumni is proud to partner with the creators of the Fit Over 40 Challenge.

The 40 Day Detox and Weightloss Challenge was created by Body Transformation Coach J.Lopez and Nutrition Specialist Antonio Dorsey.

It’s designed to help reduce body fat percentage while assisting with toning and nutritional discipline. All fitness levels are welcomed to join the challenge, this includes permanent access to the Facebook Challenge Support Group to connect with the challenge coaches and other participants. There are a variety of workouts, meal plans, and detoxes to choose from.

The Fit Over 40 Campaign will help bring awareness and motivation to get fit and stay fit to anyone at the age of 35 or older. J. Lopez and Tony will be teaming up with fitness professionals and other enthusiasts to bring you updates on fitness and nutrition to keep you inspired.

This event is sponsored by Moving Forward Healthcare, a Black UF Alum business owned by Tracey Paulfrey (UF ‘98).

View the info below for how to get involved.

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The winners of each challenge are determined by their physical results, which is judged by the individual before and after photo submissions. We highly encourage each member to set weight-loss and other personal goals for themselves to get the most out of what the 40 day detox and weightloss challenge has to offer.

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  • 1st Place $600
  • 2nd Place $400
  • 3rd Place $300
More cash and prizes may be added before or during each challenge.

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All parts of the 40 Day Detox and Weight-loss Challenge are delivered via video and/or text document which is viewable in the members account at the start of the challenge until the end of the specific challenge joined. Cash winnings, prizes, and other individually ordered items like t-shirts are the only exception to this.

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No, however all coaching and feedback for the challenge after joining is delivered in this group to ensure the quality of service, motivation, and accountability during the challenge.

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